Carver Camp
address to the property
9259 Knight Rd
Grass Lake, MI 49240

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Carver Camp Connection

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Matthew Bracey
Hello everyone im Matthew Bracey Brother of the late John Bracey jr Carver Camp Camp manager. I would love and honor to become the camp manager in my Brothers place.Im a Builder who works as the Construction Trades teacher at Randolph CTC for Detroit Public Schools.Ive helped my Brother fix alot of things aroiund the camp when he needed help.Please give me a call at 2486367311 of email GOD BE THE GLORY !

Carver Camp Strategic Planning Committee

This group is for the Strategic Planning Committee

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Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association
Mailing Address: 5333 E. 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48234 - Physical Address: 9259 Knight Rd, Grass Lake, MI 49240
Copyright 2015 (c) Carver Camp All rights reserved.
Carver Camp is a 501 c 3 organziation supported by the generous dontaions of our supporters.
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