Carver Camp
address to the property
9259 Knight Rd
Grass Lake, MI 49240

Sister JoAnn Gray

Carver Camp … A place to come enjoy God's outdoor creations!


Carver Camp Board & Staff

Board Members at Large:
Rev. James A. Jackson
Rev. David Yarber
Deacon Evans Holman

Honorary Board Members:
Rev. Richard Richardson
Bro. Glenn Darden

We, the Carver Camp Board, would like to say "Thank You" to our Churches and all their Pastors for your support. We would also like to thank all the children and families that come out to camp for programs and fellowship. Thank you to all those who have given of your time, monies, or other gifts. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to serve others and build Carver Camp.

The Board

Stakeholders & Friends


Carver Camp is a 501 (c) 3 organization led by the Metropolitan Baptist District Association and supported by the generous donations of its supporters. Rev. Dr. Oscar King, Moderator

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association
Mailing Address: 5333 E. 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48234 - Physical Address: 9259 Knight Rd, Grass Lake, MI 49240
Copyright 2015 (c) Carver Camp All rights reserved.
Carver Camp is a 501 c 3 organziation supported by the generous dontaions of our supporters.
Website Powered by KE Consultants