Carver Camp
address to the property
9259 Knight Rd
Grass Lake, MI 49240

Carver Camp Programs

Carver Camp is Growing! Visit us often to see the current programming.

Registration is open for the 2018 Carver Camp Summer Experience! Your camper, ages 8-12, are encouraged to participate alongside other children from Metropolitan District Churches. Visit the Events page or call Church of Our Father Missionary Baptist Church 313-891-7626 to register for one of the session weeks!
The Carver Camp Youth Gardeners were at it again! On June 6, 2015 we extended the garden by 4 rows. We planted and added eggplants, purple peas, pepper pimiento, and pepper Santa Fe Grande.
The young people have officially begun planting!
The Youth Garden is officially up and running. Special thanks to the Michigan State Extension for their support!

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association
Mailing Address: 5333 E. 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48234 - Physical Address: 9259 Knight Rd, Grass Lake, MI 49240
Copyright 2015 (c) Carver Camp All rights reserved.
Carver Camp is a 501 c 3 organziation supported by the generous dontaions of our supporters.
Website Powered by KE Consultants